Our ceremony suits

Classic Black Suit


Ceremony Suits

Black Tuxedo


Ceremony Suits

Blue Tuxedo


Ceremony Suits

Classic Beige Suit


Ceremony Suits

Classic Grey Eye Bird Suit


Ceremony Suits

Classic Grey Eye Bird Suit


Ceremony Suits

  • Classic Black Suit


    Ceremony Suits

  • Black Tuxedo


    Ceremony Suits

  • Blue Tuxedo


    Ceremony Suits

  • Classic Beige Suit


    Ceremony Suits

  • Classic Grey Eye Bird Suit


    Ceremony Suits

  • Classic Grey Eye Bird Suit


    Ceremony Suits



Our Japanese denim has over 10 wash shades to be chosen from. A handcrafted garment that can be customized for every occasion and mood designed specifically for you. From the choice of buttons and tags to the different types of waists and leg styles our Personal Tailors will be sure to give you a timeless jean piece. You choose, we create.

Created for you

UOY Women

The perfect opportunity to make a statement. Book an appointment in our Studio or schedule a virtual conversation with our Personal Tailors to customize your handcrafted tailored garment. From suits to dresses our unique selection of 100% natural fabrics has over 100 colors and textures to be chosen from.